Its been another excellent week in 4A!
We completed our shared write all about an underwater creature. On Friday, we created our own elusive species which is in preparation for our hot writing planning next week. The children loved the opportunity to sketch and label their very own monster of the deep.
During our Geography session, we looked at four figure grid references. We learnt a phrase to help us avoid making mistakes ‘along the corridor and then up the stairs.’ This means that you have to look on the bottom axis first to get the first two figures and then on the side axis for the second two figures.
On Thursday afternoon, we continued to explore Garagaband. We created drum patterns using the beat sequencer and then started to create a simple four note pattern. We learnt about the different notes on a piano and realised that they repeat themselves started at A and going to G but not to H! Here are a few snippets of the tracks we have started to create.
We located our new country of the month which was Spain and in Spanish we have been looking at ordering different ice cream flavours. We learnt that Quisiera means I would like. We added to this different flavours (un helado de limon, chocolate, cafe, mora and carmelo.) We then roleplayed ordering ice cream with one person acting out being the ice cream vendor and the other a customer. We all really enjoyed this and it really helped us practise our language skills in conversation.
On Friday afternoon, we undertook a challenge to test our communication skills. We paired up and had to instruct our partner – who was blind folded – through an obstacle course. We discussed how clear and short instructions were the most effective.
Our TTrockstar of the week is Phoebe and our Lexia legend is also Phoebe. Book club this week was hosted by Maidah and Maryam. They chose Climate Action by Katie Rewse (which she won as part of a competition at Moor Allerton Library) and The Night Bus Hero by Onjali Rauf.